Supporting study skills and learning difficulties

Study skills have been identified as one of the key elements of study ability: they are a prerequisite for learning, planning of studies and achievement. Learning difficulties are also a strain on student well-being. In the latest health survey of higher education students, 14.2 % of the respondents had been diagnosed with a learning difficulty or an illness or disability affecting learning. The most common learning difficulty was dyslexia, which affected 8 % of the respondents. The experience of learning difficulties may significantly hinder learning or the progress of studies. On the other hand, all students benefit from study skill support, and not all new students have sufficient capabilities for higher education studies. Proactive support for academic study skills and special pedagogical support for learning difficulties form a continuum of pedagogical and guidance methods that can be used to support the learning and progress of all students. The information bank contains material produced at different higher education institutions and descriptions of good practices for, for example, supporting study skills and self-assessment tools.